

The Tactile Carnival Deaf Felllowship is coming to Stillmeadow on October 21st. Be sure to check out next week's Friday Feature for more details. 

"What began as a Bible study for One has now become a Group Worship Experience"               

"A couple of years ago Pastor Bud came and asked me to create a worship experience for people with special needs. His request caused me to be more aware of those in my sphere - and since then it was amazing how God put people in my path. In this Friday Feature I will share some things that have happened since his request. "
"I left the group home south of Red Lion on a Monday evening early in July, with a sense that the Holy Spirit had graced our little group of four special ladies with special needs, (two hearing and two deaf), with His presence. This had been an AWESOME time of worship.

Instead of having a Bible story presented in American Sign Language (with voice over for the two hearing ladies), we were led in worship by a DVD, “Fresh Anointing” featuring Mark and Melanie Mitchum of Psalm 40 Ministries. Mark Mitchum is a VERY gifted Deaf artist who makes music come alive visually. His hearing wife, Melanie, signs and voices for him. 

The ladies sat riveted to the TV as the gospel was presented in song and Mark and Melanie shared their testimonies."

They not only watched, they participated. One sang along with some of the songs. They all at various times signed along with Mark instead of just watching. They were finally beginning to participate. They were actually praising and worshiping! 

As I drove home, I reflected on the events of the past year-and-a-half that brought us to this point in time --- events I could never have anticipated. I thought back to my first experience visiting a deaf resident in a group home perhaps 10 years ago, when my communication skills were still very rudimentary, and reflected on the journey. 

That was the beginning of a relationship that would forever change my life. That resident, Elizabeth and I have become friends. I have had the privilege of watching her grow in her ability to communicate, as well as in her love for Jesus and His Word as we made our way through the lessons of the Deaf Bible Institute Correspondence Course. God has used Elizabeth to touch into the lives of staff and residents alike. She may not be able to clearly express what she wants to say, but she will put me in front of someone and sign “You tell them.” Let me share a little of the journey with you.

Elizabeth and George 
I met Elizabeth and George, both residents of a group home in York city, through the Deaf Ministry at Bible Baptist Church (BBC)10+ years ago. A relationship began to develop between Elizabeth and I. In church, she was always eager to look up and mark scriptures in her Bible, but she needed help. Prompted by the Holy Spirit, I began visiting her at the home with the intentions of teaching her how to use her Bible, etc. One thing led to another and Elizabeth enrolled in Deaf Bible Institute's Free Correspondence Course.

Due to limited reading and language skills, the approach had to be different. The process was slow but rewarding. Every five lessons she received a certificate of completion which she absolutely delighted in! She was on her way to the diploma she would receive after completing all twenty lessons. George did not participate in the Bible study, but was always happy to see me.
Jan Herr 
In 2015 Jan Herr began accompanying me. Gradually she and Elizabeth became friends also. As we neared the end of the course, the lessons became more challenging to teach on her level. Jan used her computer skills to provide pictures that would illustrate the concepts we were trying to convey. Then, with a plan to finish by the end of 2016, the unexpected happened.

In late spring of 2016 we learned that the group home would be closing and residents would be placed in other homes by June 30th. We had no idea where they would be going...Very unsettling for the residents. .. Would we be able to continue meeting with Elizabeth? It was imperative that she finish after all these years of working towards this goal. Jan and I prayed fervently and determined to do whatever was necessary to continue, trusting God for open doors. George and Elizabeth needed us to be the constant in their lives when everything else was changing.

All four residents were sent to different homes. Elizabeth was placed in a home south of Red Lion. George was placed temporarily in another home. Neither would be able to continue attending BBC and the Deaf Sunday School class because BBC buses do not go that far. What about the Deaf socials here at Stillmeadow and Living Word? They looked forward to them each month. What was God up to? God had a surprise for us.

It was several weeks before I was able to obtain the new addresses and make contact with the staff at the new homes to arrange for a visit. When I arrived at Elizabeth's new home, she greeted me with her usual bear hug. I was introduced to three other ladies, one of them also deaf. God was using Elizabeth and the situation to expand our ministry to the deaf. The staff welcomed our coming and encouraged Jan and I to continue working with Elizabeth. Later, we were invited to include the rest of the ladies in our “Bible class.”

In January, we invited all of the ladies to join us as we helped Elizabeth complete her last couple of lessons. Would this work? Would she be willing to share us with the others? They all enjoyed it. God was doing a new thing. Jan has a way of making Elizabeth feel special and has helped her transition from being the center of attention to sharing with the others. Sometimes she likes to lead a song in sign language. She loves to help with getting the video set up.

Our times together are informal. We usually use videos presented in ASL with voice over or captioning to accommodate both deaf and hearing. That also enables Jan to lead it by herself if I am on rare occasions unable to be there, (which she has done on a couple of occasions.) We sing/sign, sometimes have prayer requests, and end with a craft. On special occasions we have a little party. 

What began as a Bible study for one has now become a Worship Experience for four special ladies. We never know what obedience to one of God's small nudgings may lead to or how many lives may be touched. 
Elizabeth received her diploma at the Deaf Fellowship social in February. She had accomplished her goal. She was ecstatic! We hope that other deaf will be inspired by her example and enroll in this course so they can grow in their faith and relationship with the Lord. 
Our gathering twice a month at the group home is actually an extension of our Deaf Fellowship. It provides a way for Elizabeth and the other deaf lady to worship and learn the Word of God, even though they cannot get to church. George's situation is more complex and we need to pray that God will provide a way for him as well. 

Both George and Elizabeth have been able to attend some of the deaf socials thanks to a couple of volunteers who help with transportation as they are able. We are grateful for their help and are praying for more volunteers to help with our growing need for transportation.

The next deaf fellowship social will be October 21, 2017 in the cafe at Stillmeadow. 

If God is tugging at your heart or nudging you to volunteer to help with this aspect of Deaf Ministry, or in any other capacity, I would love to hear from you."Who knows how God might want to use you? 

For more information or to volunteer contact Elaine Hockenbury @ or 717-814-5970.

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