
Children's Ministry / Spark Discipleship / Sermon Recap

For our Friday Feature today Rachel Zeigler shares important news from Stillnaz Children's Ministry. 
"I am so excited to introduce you to our new Assistant Children’s Ministry Director, Ciara Bode.  Ciara is a wonderful teacher and leader and will be a wonderful addition to our team.  Ciara has been helping in our Preschool Department for 4 years and has recently joined our KLZ Leadership Team.  She has also been serving as a worship leader in our Preschool Department and she also greets with her family for the KLZ.  She is so excited to jump in and serve and I am so excited to have her on our team! I interviewed Ciara so you can get to know her better."
Ciara:"My husband, Ben, and I have been married for 9 years. We grew up in York and were high school sweethearts.  We have an 8 year old daughter, Gwendalynn, and a 6 year old son, Hudson. We have two dogs that are very opposite in size. One is a 165lb. Newfoundland and the other is a 6lb. Shih Tzu. We also have two cats and a pond of fish and frogs."

"My hobbies include gardening, hiking, and reading. I also love volunteering at my children’s school. My Newfoundland recently became a therapy dog, so I really enjoy visiting nursing homes with him. I am looking forward to taking him to schools, libraries, and other facilities where he can bring comfort to people. Most of all, I love spending my down time hanging out with my family."

"I have served in the Preschool for 4 years. I love spending time and building relationships with the kids, as they learn about and begin their own walk with Jesus. I am on the KLZ board and have lead worship in the preschool."

"I am so excited to be a part of this children’s ministry! I am looking forward to building relationships with the babies, families, and volunteers in the early childhood department. I feel deeply that children are such an important part of the body of Christ. They are our future disciples and I feel so blessed to have a part in nurturing their journey. I am thankful that God has given me this opportunity and I am looking forward to whatever He has planned."

Rachel: "Tell me a crazy thing you can do:" Ciara: "I danced classical ballet for 10 years and I can still whip out some pirouettes now and then!"

Ciara will be leading the Early Childhood Department on Sunday mornings and will be helping to organize and run the Kidz Light Zone during the week.  She will be in the Early Childhood Department this Sunday; make sure to stop in and welcome her.  Please, join me as we welcome Ciara to our KLZ Team!  

Pastor Josh: "I echo what Rachel wrote…I too am excited about Ciara joining our Children’s Ministry in this way. I love her heart for Jesus and her enthusiasm for kids and believe that her addition to our team will help us as we seek to continue Jesus’ mission through Family Ministry at Stillmeadow."

Last Sunday we launched Spark Discipleship, which began with an engaging Bud Reedy sermon about the importance of living in community. 

Spark Discipleship also included specially designed sermon notes with fill-in blanks. Many of our folks stopped by the Welcome Center to pick up their copy of sermon notes, prior to the service.
But Spark was not limited to a good sermon or fill-in notes. Throughout this past week, related discussion questions about the sermon were provided to all of our adult discipleship groups. For example, last Tuesday evening men gathered around a fire pit at Man Cave. Jeff Callender asked this question, "What are the negative effects of loneliness?". A lively discussion followed about the importance of living in Community. One of the guys recalled Pastor Bud's story about moving a hot coal away from the fire, (a symbol of trying to make it on your own) which triggered comments about how difficult it can be to live alone, outside of community. 

This process (sermon, fill-in notes, follow-up discussion questions) will continue during the entire series. You can view the actual SparkDiscipleship questions HERE
MAY 7, 2017 SERMON
As we consider God’s word, we discover 3 things about the importance of living in community.

God Doesn’t Want Us To Be (Lonely).

Why? Because He loves us and wants what is (best) for us.
1. Loneliness can affect ones physical health.
2. Loneliness can affect ones (psychological) health.
3. Loneliness can affect ones (spiritual) life.

God’s Remedy? (Authentic) Christian Community.
Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to (prosper) you and not to (harm) you. Plans to give you (hope) and a (future)."

Community is important because…
1. (encouragement) I Thess. 5:1
2. (comfort) I Thess. 4:18
3. (love) John 13:34
4. (to be loved) I Cor. 16:14
COMING NEXT WEEK! - Important news on the Persecuted church

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