
Spotlight On Media / Sermon Recap

For this week's Friday Feature we focus our spotlight on the Media Team at Stillmeadow. Although most people in the worship center never notice, during each service there are dedicated people working behind the scenes. Each person serves with their unique talents and technical skills - and each has an interesting story. Check out this message from Pastor John Farley and David Bentley....
We've listed the team members below, starting with those who are involved in VIDEO production.
Streaming and digital recording takes place in the media room behind the worship center. Cameras are connected to a special switcher and then routed to recording and streaming devices. Services can be viewed "live" - and after the service DVD's are made available. Here are just some of the creative video technicians with good eyes.
RANDY: "Having worked at numerous radio and television stations all my life, I started helping recording the services in the early 80's at the church on Pine street. Having only a mixer, an amp and several portable cassette recorders at that time to the current building with a Media Department involving sound, video and lighting shows the amount of growth I've been a part of over the years. I currently serve in dulpication of DVD's, direct the video recording of the 3rd service, fill in running audio for video or camera and streaming of services on Livestream. I love using my God-given talents to serve Him. I enjoy seeing people reached through live-streaming or DVDs and people using those to encourage others or remembering moments that were special to them like baby dedications or Child Care Center graduation."
TRACY: "I serve in the video area helping with audio mixing from the main audio board.  I also setup and monitor the YouTube feed. When needed, I operate the video switcher or one of 2 video cameras. I help out with all 3 services, and have been involved with Passion Play and childcare events. I've been serving media since 1992 and really enjoy watching the services online to see how our efforts went." 
JEFF: "I serve as a camera operator for Heartbeat Ministries during the 2nd service. In addition to serving in this capacity during regular services, I have been involved over the years in recording special services (Passion plays, Christmas musicals, Daycare graduation services, Children's plays to name a few). I started videotaping some special services with my own camcorder while still at the Pine Street location, offering to make duplications for anyone who wanted one. After our move to Stillmeadow, I began taping our regular services, first with my camcorder, then later using equipment supplied to me. God gave me an interest in photography while in high school, which carries over to this ministry. I have felt called to participate in this ministry to spread the gospel through media, and I still enjoy operating a camera."

Sue Cawley - "I serve as a director for all three services and sometimes operate a camera for the third service. I’ve been part of the media team since 2010, and have helped with special events like childcare open house. The thing I enjoy most is the people. I’m more comfortable behind the scenes rather than in front of the camera." 
Sound in the worship space is controlled by digital mixing consoles in the media center. Recording of services takes place in the control room. The following are just some of the talented people with good ears.... 
KARL: "I have been serving the Lord as a media (sound tech) volunteer for over 15 years. I am normally involved in all services and usually serve 1 to 2 times per month. I had been involved with the passion play for many years. I enjoy providing an acoustically pleasing experience for the congregation and allowing them to better focus on the service and spiritual experience."
MIKE: "I have been involved in media running the sound board for over 10 years and have seen many great enhancements to the worship experience over this time. I enjoy working with technology and I also assist as needed with technology projects at the church such as wireless access and network connectivity. We have a great team of volunteers working hard to provide a great worship experience for you. If you don’t notice we are here - then we are doing our job well."
PAUL: "I currently serve in the audio area. I am scheduled monthly to serve during the 9:15 and 11:00 services. Over the 14 years that I have been involved, I have served as the media chairman and in the display/ projectionist capacity. I have also been involved in audio for plays and special events. Through the years I have stayed involved in media because it has been a great way for me to "plug into" ministry here at Stillmeadow."
Three video projectors serve the main worship center, displaying song lyrics, sermon slides, special presentations and video playback. Everything that you see displayed originates from computers in the media center. Here are some of the techie people that do a great job keeping the graphics in sync with music and pastors.
SETH: "I currently serve in the role of media team lead, as well as a slide operator for Sunday services, and one of folks that prepares the slides for Sunday mornings. I've been a part of media ministries at Stillmeadow for about 6 years. In that time, I have helped with multiple passion plays and other special events at the church. I also lead the media team in both the conversion to Windows 10 on the main media machine, as well as the conversion from EasyWorship to ProPresenter 6 for displaying graphics and lyrics during the services. I enjoy media ministries because it allows me to use my God-given ability with technology to give back to Him in service to His church. "
WAYNE: "I serve as a computer projection tech displaying lyrics for worship and other slides that pertain to the service such as the sermon. I’ve been part of the media team since the fall of 2007, and currently serve every first Sunday of the month. I have also helped behind the scenes for passion plays. I work in the IT industry and have lots of passion for working with computers. It's an honor to put my God-given talents to work for our Lord. I love being able to play a behind the scenes part in a service that always has the potential to reach those in need and seeking Christ."
BRIAN: "I serve as a computer projection tech displaying lyrics for worship and other content such as video and sermon slides. I’ve been part of the media team since the spring of 2013 and serve twice a month for the 9:15 service.  I've also had the opportunity to serve for special events such as Lent and Christmas services. Since I work in the Telecom industry I'm used to spending a lot of time in front of a computer. I'm humbled and grateful to serve alongside such a dedicated media team who's primary focus is to give all honor and glory to Christ."
DANIEL: "I serve with the media ministries team as a Projection Tech for the Sunday morning worship services, running the ProPresenter slides throughout the service. I also load the worship slides for Sunday morning services. I have served with the Stillmeadow media team since early 2013, starting out as a projection tech for Remix. I have been involved with Church Media in general since Mid-2010. Usually I serve every other Sunday in the 11am Worship service, but occasionally I do help with the 9:15 service. I also help with Sound in the Kids Light Zone on the first Sunday of each month. I went to school for IT and have a passion for working with computers and it's an honor to use my god-given talents to serve Christ. It's a blessing that I can put these talents to use in serving the Lord.
Special smart lighting for worship is controlled by a lighting console in the media center. Pastor John and David Bentley are on this team.


Pastor Kent preached last Sunday and here are the follow-up "small group" questions.

After reading scripture: Reflect on how the disciples might have felt and responded to this moment? How do you think you might have responded? What clues do you learn as you hear these words in verse 17? The NIV says it this way: “but some doubted” 

Eugene Petersen says it this way in The Message: “Some, though, held back, not sure about worship, about risking themselves totally.” 

What reassurances do you need today? 
Where do you find reassurance in these passages? 
What are some other ways Jesus reassured us? 
He addresses the future with His (mission) for us. 

Notice our instruction is to continue Jesus mission. How are you continuing Jesus Mission? 

Part of the continuing the mission is being generous. Over the years Pastor Bud has said on many times we need to be generous with our time, talents and treasures. 

How can we live out our generosity? 

1. Generous with our Time: 
2. Generous with our Talents: 
3. Generous with our Treasures: 

After reading that list what are you giving to? 

In the Acts account of Jesus his final words before ascending He reminded the disciples they must LiveReady. Are you Living Ready? 

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you.”  Are you seeking for the Holy Spirit to come upon you? 

How can we pray? We can pray right now….. 

1. Pray for the Holy Spirit to come amongst us bringing Unity in our Community.
2. Pray for the volunteers, lay staff, and pastoral staff that are so important to Stillmeadow.
3. Pray for Pastor Bud and Sally 
4. Pray for the one another’s around you 
5. Pray we will continue our generosity of our time, talents and treasures 
6. Pray for yourself that the Holy Spirit will come upon you giving you peace, clarity and direction helping you to find unity with the community around you. 

In the words of Jesus- Go, Make, Baptize, and Teach through his authority and in the power of the Holy Spirit. We are continuing Jesus Mission. That was His benediction then and is ours today. 
Go!!! GO! GO!! GO!!!

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