

Elaine Leiphart receives a Stillnaz praise report
One of Stillmeadow's Guiding Values is "We will submit to God's direction through "intentional prayer". And during last Sunday's sermon, Pastor Josh shared that Christian Hospitality starts with "intentional prayer".

Stillmeadow's Prayer Director, Elaine Leiphart receives prayer requests and praises from three primary sources each week: (If you have a prayer request or praise please connect with her using one of these methods)
  1. The Welcome Pad which is passed during each Sunday service.
  2. Telephone messages - left at the Stillmeadow Office (717-764-4888).
  3. Email messages - sent to
Every Tuesday Elaine publishes a "Prayer Requests and Answers" newsletter that is sent to more than 1,500 people in the Stillmeadow family. If you aren't getting this newsletter, please click this link:

In addition to gathering requests each week, Elaine is busy calling Stillnaz folks who are in the hospital or nursing homes. She also sends get well cards to encourage those who are recovering from sickness or an operation. Elaine works out of the Sprenkle House volunteer office.

It is not unusual for Elaine to get a note saying, "I'm really glad you called to find out how my surgery went. It meant a lot to know the church family was praying." She explains, "These messages make all of my efforts worthwhile".

View a previous Friday Feature News about our Prayer Director HERE
Don't forget about this special upcoming service and fellowship lunch. Want to share your memory about how Pastor Bud & Sally have impacted your life? Click HERE to send Friday Feature an email. 
View previous Friday Feature News about this event HERE. And HERE


Pastor Josh closed out the Christian Hospitality sermon series last Sunday. He reminded us that we live in a world that buys into lies. But for every lie, we have the truth of Christ. 

The lie: We are hopelessly captive to dominion of darkness
The truth: He has rescued us

The lie: We are hopelessly stuck living in sin
The truth: He has redeemed us

The lie: We must hopelessly live with guilt
The truth: He has forgiven us

The lie: We have to hopelessly figure out how to hold it all together.
he truth: Jesus holds the world together

Colossians 4:2-6
Among people who have bought into the lie, Christian hospitality is a way to live out of the truth and invite others into it!

Pastor Josh also described what Christian Hospitality looks like and shared barriers that we want to avoid. He also listed eight reflective questions for small groups and closed with specific actions we can take to insure Christian Hospitality.

Christian hospitality:
- is devoted to prayer
- involves praying for open doors 
- is wise towards outsiders 
- makes the most of every opportunity 
- includes conversations full of grace and spice

Barriers to Christian hospitality are: 
- Prayerlessness 
- Foolishness with outsiders 
- Missing opportunities because of laziness or busyness 
- Having conversations that are full of gossip, self-centeredness, bitterness

May we be people who are devoted to prayer, watch for the open door, load our talk with grace and peace and make the most of every opportunity so that more and more people would experience the truth of Christ in their own lives!

Reflection Questions:
  1. How is God speaking to me these days? Is there an area of my life where I need to change? 
  2. Paul wrote the letter to the Colossians in response to some false gospels that were going around. 
  3. What are some fake truths, some lies that people believe about themselves today? Read Colossians 1:13-23. What does the good news of Jesus have to say in response to those lies? 
  4. Read Colossians 4:2-6 and use this as the backdrop for the following questions. Start with this question: Why is prayer essential for hospitality? 
  5. What are some open doors in your life where you can share the good news of Jesus Christ? Or maybe, what are some doors you want to be opened? 
  6. Paul encourages us to be wise towards outsiders. Can you come up with 5 ways to be wise with those who are outside the faith? 
  7. Think about your conversation habits. Why are words essential in practicing hospitality? How can words be used as barriers to hospitality? 
  8. What do you think it means to have conversations full of grace? In what ways are your conversations (with family, friends, acquaintances) not loaded with grace?

Take time to pray for those you know who are believing lies about themselves and about the world. Pray for opportunities to speak the truth to them. Make it a point to practice hospitality with them this week. You can view the entire sermon by clicking the arrow below and then click "Watch this video on YouTube". 


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